Al Afaq Technology is one of Rafiq Ahmad Elect Evices TR LLC Group of companies which was established in 2006 to provide high tech infrastructure services specially focused on user oriented convenience services in construction, idustrial, governmental, educational and comunities sector.
Since this time rafiq ahmad group has succeed in many fields like security, ELV, smart homes, IT, structure cabling and lighting control systems.
We continually advance our technologies to offer complete solutions from installation and monitoring through to physical intervention on site. No matter how simple and complex your security requirement, we provide innovative and effective solutions.
Aside from the integration of the engineering services and technology, we also have the ability to divert man power and equipment from one division to the other to cater to each project and every locations’s requirements. Out unwavering commitment to quality, professionalism and excelence enables us to uphold our posotion as an industry leader.
We recognize that out people are the heart of our organization, we strive to provide an environment that attracts, motivates, and develops individuals, and while encouraging cooperative efforts at every level and across all activities in the company, we create and implement a succession career progression planning program that clearly articulates corporate expectations exceptions while charting a course for employee development.
We encouage innovation to cultivate originality and pursue new ideas and technologies, while introducting the right processes and models to put them to work safely, quickly and efficiently, in order to continously improve the standards and the diversity of our services for the common benefits of all stakeholders.
we believe that great success requires heart and dedication. We embrace and foster passion in every aspect of our bisiness from innovation and learning, to management and client satisfaction, to employee and skills development, because we believe that when you are passinate about something you have more energy, work much harder, and get more creative.